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A modular typeface of my creation, meticulously designed to echo the theme of my final poster, intricately connected to the central element inspiring our modules. Opting for a basic yet universally recognized shape, I explored the bounds of creativity by employing the lines of a five-point star, connecting them with elegant curves for added flair. The creative journey unfolded as I sketched diverse letterforms, utilizing the star's lines as a foundational template for all 26 capital letters of the alphabet. This method ensured a seamless integration of individual letterforms into a cohesive typeface.

Given the celestial inspiration, I curated two distinct pieces: one serving as a captivating book cover where my letterforms form constellations in a starlit sky, and another portraying a zodiac chart. Digital painting, coupled with clipping masks and thoughtful design elements, enhanced the backgrounds, providing a harmonious backdrop to complement the aesthetic of the typeface.

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